Building upon more than a decade of experience of FIT with OC-Sensor™ in a national screening setting, Mast were instrumental in the establishment of symptomatic FIT in the UK.
Making a pathway decision based on clinical presentations and patient demographics alone is difficult. NICE have endorsed the OC-Sensor™ for use and introduced FIT as part of NG12 and DG30 in a bid to prevent unnecessary referrals and subsequent colonoscopies. Policy regarding the implementation of symptomatic FIT is defined locally with the majority of the UK now offering or having access to FIT for symptomatic patients. Mast has been at the forefront of symptomatic FIT implementation in the UK with the OC-Sensor™ platforms.
Get in touch with the FIT Technical team to discuss your existing FIT service or plans for implementing FIT via
GP and other health professional support
As a test generally issued from primary care, cancer alliances and CCGs have a responsibility to educate their GP members about the use of FIT in accordance with local pathways and NICE guidance. WIthin secondary care members of the colorectal teams should also be educated about FIT and the potential impacts of implementing a symptomatic service. Laboratory staff work closely with MAST through the installations, training and use of the OC-Sensor™ analysers. Mast are very happy to assist to ensure correct, up-to-date information is being shared with users.
Symptomatic FIT Services

Read about the introduction of symptomatic FIT at UK sites
Getting FIT in Nottingham

Following a successful service evaluation Nottingham University Hospital Trust began offering a symptomatic FIT service in late 2017, the earliest adopters in the UK
Norfolk & Norwich: FIT pilot study

Norfolk and Norwich University NHS Trust went live with their symptomatic FIT service in late 2018. They describe their FIT pilot study and lessons learnt